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Embracing Transformation: An Interview with TEDx Coach Laurie Mabelis

Embracing Transformation: An Interview with TEDx Coach Laurie Mabelis

Manic Momboss

This month, in celebration of GAZETTA’s dual covers and the 40-year anniversary of TEDx, I had the privilege to interview Laurie Mabelis, TEDx coach and currently head of coach of one of the greatest speakers at the moment, Nick Santonastasso and Dean Graziosi, co-founder of Mastermind.com Her purpose as a coach is to help people in their transformation of becoming a speaker. If you just start practicing in speaking, then maybe a nice way to start is by her free “14 Day Speaking Habits” training. 

Despite being a TEDx speaker and consultant myself, I often identify with the 95% of people who fear public speaking. My manic episodes flood me with ideas, but my fear sometimes prevents me from sharing them. 

Earlier this year I met Laurie, after speaking at a mental health and psychiatry conference in Dubai, which marked the beginning of achieving my goal to exclusively speak at international mental health conferences. She has become my guide in this journey, not only because of her expertise as a speakers coach but also due to her inspiring lifestyle.  

Living with a bipolar condition makes me still struggle sometimes in finding a balance after speaking engagements, which can trigger manic episodes. I needed a coach who understands inclusivity and can create a safe working environment for me as a digital nomad mompreneur with a mental illness. I believe that coaching from the right person helps you grow, I mean as a child, I dreaded school presentations, but now, I speak at mental health conferences—a transformation Laurie helps facilitate. Her approach to coaching encompasses these needs perfectly. In this column, you’ll discover Laurie’s story and what financial freedom means to her.

While catching a flight to Atlanta to attend an event where one of her clients will speak on stage, Laurie made time to share her incredible journey of leaving everything behind in Holland to start anew. A few years ago, she decided to quit her job as an innovation manager for major corporations like Google, Philips, and the Dutch Ministry of Defense. Her role involved solving complex problems such as eliminating medicine residues from sewage to protect drinking water. 

The problems needed to be approached in a very human centred way, also called design thinking and facilitating. She noticed during the process that some teams came up with really good ideas, but did not get implemented, because the one who decided on the money and time were not convinced and did not see the value of the team.

This challenge led Laurie to pivot her focus from creating solutions to improving communication of these solutions. Additionally, she chose to shift her efforts from corporate clients to individuals passionate about their causes. The COVID-19 pandemic spurred her to make another bold decision: she left her apartment, booked a flight to Tenerife, and began her life abroad without a detailed plan. The only thing she knew was she wanted to be at a place near the beach and sea and a friend told her Tenerife is the place to be.

Four months later, sitting with her laptop in Tenerife, Laurie felt a strong inner urge to help people turn their struggles into powerful messages that inspire and transform others. As a child, Laurie was introverted, requiring significant preparation to feel comfortable in new environments. For example, she could not go to school unless her mom showed her pictures of her teacher three weeks before her first day. She needed to recognize their faces to feel comfortable enough to go to school, and in addition to that, she had practice sessions meeting with the teacher.

This personal experience informs her empathetic approach to coaching, helping clients worldwide overcome their fears and find their voices on stage. 

Laurie’s role as a TEDx speaker coach for TEDxUtrecht in Holland involved guiding speakers to make their ideas not only understandable but unforgettable and retainable. She believes that great ideas often come from those who may not be the best presenters, and her job is to help them distill their goals into impactful talks.

Did you know public speaking is the number one fear worldwide? I asked Laurie for the first step towards becoming a confident speaker.

She believes the initial step is recognizing that we are already speakers. We communicate daily, and the goal is to share interesting ideas effectively. Laurie advises acknowledging our existing speaking skills and identifying our biggest struggles to create relatable stories that resonate with others. Finding a stage doesn’t require a TEDx talk; it can be as simple as going live on Instagram or sending video messages to friends. 

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Currently, Laurie resides in Mexico, continuing her remote work journey that began in Tenerife and took her through Portugal, Italy, Canada, and the U.S. Helping people conquer their number one fear is fulfilling for her, as it empowers them to own various aspects of their lives. Laurie’s coaching is about helping people speak up for themselves authentically in any setting.

She conducts her sessions remotely, making them accessible globally and allowing people to connect from anywhere. This aligns with Laurie’s lifestyle of freedom and authenticity, teaching others to embrace their true selves and attract the right opportunities. 

Laurie’s ability to work whenever and wherever she wants gives her the freedom to spend as much time as she likes with her family and friends. While traveling from country to country, her grandmother visits her occasionally, and they share the most fun together. This is what life is about: having the freedom to spend time with your loved ones while pursuing your purpose.

To learn more about Laurie’s journey, follow her on Instagram @lauriemabelis, visit her website, or watch her videos and podcast on YouTube for more tips.

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