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Discovering the World of Virtual Design with Julie Jones

Discovering the World of Virtual Design with Julie Jones

Mova Wonen NL

In a world that is becoming increasingly digital, the interior design industry has undergone an exciting transformation: virtual design. I had the pleasure of interviewing a fellow stylist about this unique and previously unknown aspect of our profession. As a stylist myself, I was curious about how she integrates this modern approach into her work. The interview turned out to be not only educational but also very enjoyable. I hope that you, the readers, will be just as inspired as I was and gain new insights into the world of virtual design styling.

From Traditional to Virtual: Julie Jones’ Journey

Julie Jones, a 38-year-old mother of four from San Diego, began her career in 2008 after earning her BA in interior design. Despite a challenging economic period for artistic fields, she initially contracted with various companies. She gained most of her experience working with a residential design-build company, where she focused on space planning and designing kitchens and bathrooms. Her design philosophy revolves around fulfilling her clients’ needs. “It’s about appreciating the beauty of someone else’s life and personality,” says Julie.

The Birth of Julie Jones™ Designs

In 2021, during the COVID-19 pandemic, a friend set up a TikTok page for Julie. She started by sharing her passion for painting, but it was a video about interior design that brought her recognition. The demand for her help exploded, leading to the creation of her company, Julie Jones Designs. What began as spontaneous social media growth evolved into a thriving virtual interior design firm. “Quitting my in-person design job was tough, but I soon realized that I could help more people this way,” Julie explains.

Services that Cater to Client Needs

Julie Jones Designs offers a range of services with three core offerings:

  1. Room Makeover: Includes space planning, furniture sourcing within the budget, a visual representation of the room, and a 45-minute meeting with a designer for adjustments.
  2. Space Planning Services: Focuses on planning spaces with detailed floor plans and elevations, from entire homes to small bathrooms.
  3. Design Consultations: A one-hour consultation with Julie herself for personalized advice without needing a full room design.

Making Virtual Design Accessible

Many of Julie’s clients had never considered hiring a virtual interior designer until they saw her content. “I often hear that people think it’s unattainable or unrealistic, but I’m happy to change their minds,” says Julie. Virtual design is suitable for anyone except those who need extensive in-person involvement. Julie and her team provide comprehensive support and clear communication to ensure clients feel comfortable and confident in executing their projects.

Space Planning as the Foundation of Success

At Julie Jones Designs, every project begins with detailed space planning. “The layout of the space is crucial for safety and functionality,” emphasizes Julie. Only when the space planning is perfect does the team start sourcing products. This approach ensures that each space is both functional and aesthetically pleasing, meeting the client’s needs.

Ensuring Client Satisfaction in the Virtual World

Communication and setting clear expectations are key to success in the virtual design world. “We spend a lot of time and energy on making sure clients know what to expect and communicating based on those expectations,” Julie explains. Despite the high workload, the team treats each client with the same attention and care, resulting in high client satisfaction ratings.

Translating Virtual Designs into Reality

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A common question is how virtual designs accurately reflect reality. Julie’s answer: accurate client information and scale drawings. “We draw everything to scale and use Photoshop to show the exact pieces in the client’s visual,” she says. With detailed plans and clear guidance, clients can confidently realize their designs.

Challenges and Future Plans

One of Julie’s biggest challenges has been not blaming herself for the poor actions of others. “People can be unkind, and business and social media can expose you to negativity,” she shares. Despite these challenges, Julie remains an ethical entrepreneur and designer.

Looking to the future, Julie is optimistic about the role of virtual design. She is constantly improving and expanding her business. This year, there are big plans, including designing furniture, launching Julie Jones Home, working with in-person clients again, and pursuing personal projects. “There are so many exciting things happening that I can’t wait to share,” says Julie.


My conversation with Julie Jones was both enlightening and inspiring. Her journey from traditional interior design to a successful virtual design business highlights the potential of adapting to new trends and technologies. Julie’s dedication to her clients and her innovative approach to design are truly commendable. I hope you, the readers, have gained valuable insights into the world of virtual design styling and feel inspired by Julie’s story.

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