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Celebrating my work with self-care: A must-have tool for my bipolar condition

Celebrating my work with self-care: A must-have tool for my bipolar condition

Manic Momboss

In this ‘self-care’ column, I’m excited to share five DIY haircare tips that have been a game-changer for me, especially since I experienced hair loss due to medication use for my bipolar condition. While I’m grateful not to rely on meds anymore, I still prioritize DIY treatments on my self-care days at home.

Haircare has always been a significant part of my life, rooted in the traditions of my Eritrean culture. Growing up, I had long, full, wavy hair, and surprisingly, I was even a dark blonde in my early years. My teenage hair journey was quite rebellious, experimenting with dreads, braids of all colors, and daring cuts. Despite the wild changes, my hair remained resilient until my first psychotic episode and subsequent heavy medication use, particularly with Lithium, which led to significant hair loss. This prompted me to resort to short hairstyles and frequent straightening.

Thankfully, I drew from my mother’s teachings on Eritrean hair self-care, incorporating weekly hot oil treatments and natural hair masks. However, I realized I was missing out on organic hair products like shampoo and curly gel.

In 2018, after discontinuing medication, I made a promise to prioritize my curls. Seeking guidance from curly hair specialist Farida at Get Curly, I learned about suitable products and regained motivation to embrace my natural curls. Unfortunately, a relapse in late 2019 dampened my progress, but during recovery, I rediscovered the importance of DIY treatments.

Here are five DIY treatments you can try at home:

1. Wash your hair with pure organic rice water, infused with essential oils for fragrance.

2. Apply a mixture of rosemary oil and garlic to your hair for two hours, then wash with Aleppo soap and use apple cider vinegar as a conditioner.

3. Create a DIY protein mask using avocado, egg, mayonnaise, and yogurt.

See Also

4. Make your own flaxseed gel for styling your curls.

5. Treat your hair to a DIY hot oil treatment using cold-pressed oils like castor, Amla, jojoba, or argan oil, tailored to your hair type.

I love indulging in these treatments, especially after days of speaking engagements, which tend to trigger manic episodes for me. Taking a self-care day afterward helps me rebalance and is an invaluable tool for managing my bipolar condition.

Stay tuned for next week’s podcast episode, where my best friend and I will share more self-care tips!

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