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Embark On A Journey Of Healing Body & Mind On A Beautiful Mountainside Overlooking The Mediterranean Sea

Embark On A Journey Of Healing Body & Mind On A Beautiful Mountainside Overlooking The Mediterranean Sea

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Looking to reset, reflect and recalibrate? One of the best ways to jump start a healthy living is to check into a wellness resort, whether you are looking to destress, detox or simply learn new ways to incorporate exercise and mindful eating into your daily routine.  Right now, GCC residents can visit SHA Wellness Clinic in Spain and recover their general well-being through an experience of learning and disconnection in an ideal environment. SHA’s team of professionals convey an approach to new healthy habits through a food and personalised health plan, natural therapies and technological treatments, and lifestyle recommendations, with activities that enable learning new lifestyle habits. Guests can opt for a 7-day rebalance programme that will include medical services with a general health examination and laboratory testing; consultation with healthy nutrition experts and personalized health plan; natural therapies such as acupuncture, traditional massages, cryotherapy session, aquatic therapy session; mind & body session based on client needs such as yoga or meditation and fitness and an introductory fitness evaluation with a personal trainer.

The programme can be personalized according to each guest’s wellness needs. Currently, at SHA Wellness Clinic, Dr. Oscar Mayorga is working on regeneration treatments for post-Covid-19 patients with secondary lung damage. Stem cells help modulate the immune system and reduce inflammation to improve lung function. Different studies increasingly confirm that residual lung lesions are one of the most persistent effects left by Covid-19 in some people who have suffered from it. Dr. Mayorga carries out these treatments by applying stem cells by nebulisation, which act directly on the affected cells and tissues producing cell regeneration.

SHA has also implemented numerous measures to safeguard guests’ health and well-being, whilst adhering to the standards of excellence and sustainability that inspire their brand. Among these includes the requirement of a PCR or IgM/igG test before arrival at SHA, a medical check-up upon arrival including an antibody test, heat sensitive cameras throughout the facility and health kits for all the guests. The facility is now also offering medical and healthcare for guests during the stay, as well as full coverage of repatriation or medical transport of injured or sick patients and covering extended stay expenses due to medical quarantine. 

See Also

            SHA Wellness Clinic’s 7 Day Rebalance programme starts from €3,000 per person.

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